MPARTICLE [17.06.96] 4 Nachfolgend ein Bericht ber die Neuvorstellung von7 PowerPC 603e Prozessoren mit 166MHZ,180MHZ und 200MHZ. 9 SAN JOSE, California - May 13, 1996 9 At Apple's Worldwide Developer 9 Conference, Motorola RISC Microprocessor Division today 6 announced pricing and availability for a performance : extension of its PowerPC 603e microprocessor family: the 9 200-, 180- and 166MHz PowerPC 603e microprocessors. The : company has attained an industry milestone with its 603e 2 microprocessor - the first 200MHz volume desktop 4 microprocessor available. This 603e microprocessor 6 provides higher performance and lower power for the 3 volume desktop market than today's fastest Pentium/ desktop processors - at lower prices. The high5 performance and low power consumption of the entire 2 603e family allow manufacturers to build systems / ranging from subnotebooks and laptops to high-4 performance notebooks and mid-level desktops. Last 8 fall, the PowerPC alliance announced it would ship the 1 166MHz PowerPC 603e microprocessor in mid-1996, , commented Linley Gwennap, editor in chief, 7 microprocessor Report. am impressed that Motorola has 9 exceeded that performance mark with the 200- and 180MHz 4 603e parts and that their prices are significantly 3 better than those of comparable Intel processors. 5 Motorola has increased performance through improved 6 process technology and is delivering today the first 4 Motorola PowerPC microprocessor designed in a 0.35 2 micron process. Additionally, Motorola has taken 2 advantage of its sophisticated wafer fabrication / technology developed by the Advanced Products 8 Research and Development Laboratory (APRDL) to deliver 5 these higher-speed microprocessors, which have been 6 manufactured at the MOS 13 semiconductor fabrication 8 facility. Both APRDL and MOS 13 are located in Austin, 8 Texas. With the 200-, 180- and 166MHz 603e processors, 3 Motorola continues to drive the price/performance 3 advantage of PowerPC technology to higher levels, 2 commented Tom Gunter, vice president and general 7 manager of the Motorola RISC Microprocessor Division. 8 The unique combination of high-performance, low-power, 7 competitively-priced 603e microprocessors will enable 4 our customers to excel in the volume desktop, high-5 performance notebook arenas and emerging technology 2 markets. PowerPC Customer Support Apple Computer / announced it will use the 200MHz PowerPC 603e 7 microprocessor in systems available before the end of 3 1996. Apple is really excited about the future of 3 PowerPC technology, noted Howard Lee, senior vice 4 president of the Macintosh Systems Division, Apple 9 Computer, Inc. These high-speed 603e processors are yet 6 another sign of Motorola's commitment to the PowerPC - architecture and to its customers, and will 3 ensure that Apple's Power Macintosh PowerBook and 9 desktop product lines deliver leading-edge performance, 5 graphics capabilities and flexibility to the volume 9 desktop arena. Motorola Computer Group, Power Computing 2 and UMAX also endorsed Motorola's faster PowerPC - microprocessor offerings. Motorola is again , demonstrating its commitment to the PowerPC7 architecture and platform with today's announcement of7 the new PowerPC 603e microprocessor parts, stated Joe 1 Guglielmi, corporate vice president and general 3 manager, Motorola Computer Group (MCG). By taking ) advantage of this powerful, new line of 2 microprocessors, MCG will continue to provide our5 customers with leading-edge technology and products.3 Power Computing said it will use the PowerPC 603e 9 microprocessor in its new PowerBase line of high volume & systems expected to ship this summer.9 Power Computing is committed to providing our customers 6 with superior PowerPC microprocessor-based products, 8 said Stephen Kahng, president and CEO, Power Computing 5 Corporation. Motorola's PowerPC 603e microprocessors7 at 200-, 180- and 166MHz will enable us to expand our 8 product line to offer more high-performance, low-power 9 desktop systems at extremely competitive prices.UMAX is 3 pleased that Motorola has extended the performance5 of its PowerPC 603e microprocessor family, said Don 6 Chang, president and CEO, UMAX Computer Corporation. 2 Our goal is to broaden the Macintosh market, and 9 Motorola's enhanced 603e microprocessor line will usher , our product lines into a new generation of 7 price/performance. Pricing and Availability Available . in June, the PowerPC 603e microprocessors are5 priced at $224 for the 166MHz version, $256 for the 6 180MHz version and $360 for the 200MHz version, when " purchased in quantities of 1,000.7 Technical Specifications - PowerPC 603e At 200-, 180- 9 and 166MHz, the PowerPC 603e microprocessor is a 32-bit * high-performance extension of the PowerPC8 603 line of microprocessors which was designed to meet 4 the power management and performance needs of next-+ generation portable and desktop computers. < Dieser Bericht stammt aus den PowerPCWebSites von Motorola,0 erreichbar unter "Hightower" Power PC Seite 1 von 4 Power PC Seite 2 von 4 Power PC Seite 3 von 4 Power PC Seite 4 von 4